Tampa Legal Service specializes in assisting customers with trust administration. When dealing with our clients, we take a holistic approach. Estate planning and probate include more than just drafting a will or administering an estate and distributing assets to beneficiaries. Among the numerous financial issues are ensuring that a client's investments correspond to their estate plan and that they have appropriate insurance to handle all of life's dangers.
Apart from assisting with common legal and financial tasks such as preparing an estate plan or receiving an inheritance, we help to ensure that a person's legacy is preserved for future generations. Our attorneys and legal staff in Tampa, FL understand that probate law can be complicated, especially if you are unfamiliar with estate laws. As a result, we provide a free consultation to assist you to assess whether our services can save you money. When you work with us, you know you're not dealing with a group that will prepare a few paperwork and then sends you on your way. We will assess your complete financial and family circumstances and recommend a thorough solution.
Working with you is a lifelong partnership for us, not just a one-time transaction. Expect the finest quality representation from our legal team. You will begin creating substantive plans for a better tomorrow with our thoughtful supervision. Please contact our legal team at
813-536-5606 as soon as possible if you need help or legal advice. We are ready to assist you. Never feel that a case is too little to call at any time of day or night.